Sunday, September 5, 2010

Healing Thouhts

Dr Edward Shapiro, DDSTMJ Solution CenterUsing Eastern thought & Western technology to treat TMJ pain, symptoms, and the root

Illness,including TMJ, is alway made up of physical, psychological and spiritual issues. The latter is not spoken about from a comfortable view point for many personal and social reasons. As a practioner of a healing art and science I do not have real options to avoid this subject if I want my patients to get better both short and long term. As a Jew I look towards the Old Testament for my sources of the healing power of G-d or Hashem. You notice I do not repeat the name of the Lord directly because I cannot fully comprehend complete manifestation of this Presence. I do know however this Power must be approached by both paient and doctor to get the results of true healing. This approach is important on all levels of human existence, the individual, the family,the race, the community, the state, the nation, the world. We cannot ignore the historical teaching of the Testaments, both, Old and New, and think we are capable of healing.

The answer has always been a constant in this world. Come to the Supreme, in the manner that resonates with you, and live your life according to those laws as much as you can. This includes doing everything you can to hold our laws and those who make them accountable to the teachings that we know define us. It is not up to us to judge those who do not live their lives in accordance with those laws, it is up to us to live our lives accordingly to stop those who insist we do not. .

Dr. Shapiro