Friday, June 4, 2010

Loss of Balance in the Elderly

Fractured bones, especially fractured hips, are a major cause of death in our senior population today. There is an industry that has developed around accommodating how seniors need to adjust their lives to prevent this deadly event from happening. There are bathtubs with doors, wheelchairs with engines, special shoes, lifts for two story homes, and a list that is endless to service this major health issue and cost in America today. There is a long list of medication the pharmaceutical industry has developed which has a longer list of side effects than the years most of these people have successfully maneuvered through life. Going to the dentist to normalize the cranial bones of a persons head has not been at the top of the list in prevention and treatment for this condition.

The condition know commonly as TMJ not only manifests itself into pain and discomfort but defines the conditions that have developed in seniors that leads up to being dizzy or having vertigo. The condition in a great number of these patients is created as aging causes a lack of normal motion in the bones of the skull. Yes, the bones in the skull are not rigid against each other unless you are dead. Two of these bones, the temporals, house the balance mechanism associated with our ability to know how we are literally situated in relation to our environment. When these bones get stuck so does a person's balance. This can happen very naturally as we age and wear our teeth down. The lower jaw shifts due to this wear and many seniors end up with this as a contributing factor to dizziness and having vertigo.

Unfortunately, not many dentists are trained to recognize how this occurs or how to treat the condition as it presents itself outside the confines of the oral cavity. Two methods of treating this condition along with correcting the teeth are found in medical acupuncture and cranial osteopathy. Dentists can learn these skill by taking post graduate training at medical schools such as UCLA, Stanford, and Northern Texas.

The TMJ Solution Center has centered it's treatment philosophy around these two methods in treating such conditions as vertigo and dizziness. Dr. Edward Shapiro, DDS is one of the few dentists who has gained expertise in both these fields to treat conditions found in what is know as TMJ. Any senior who has developed any symptom associated with falling should consult a trained TMJ specialist for diagnosis. The common symptoms to look out for are vertigo and dizziness.

Dr Edward Shapiro, DDS
TMJ Solution Center
Using Eastern thought & Western technology to treat TMJ pain, symptoms, and the root cause.

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